Preventative Audio Visual Equipment Maintenance in Denver, CO

Spectrum Audio Visual’s AV Equipment Maintenance Services

It’s happened to everyone. You have a big presentation, and the projector doesn’t work, the microphone won’t turn on, or another critical component of your presentation isn’t working. What now? Chances are you scrambled to enact plan B. Unfortunately, plan B doesn’t allow you to deliver your message as potently. Adding to the problem, while your IT professional is talented in their field, they are not an AV expert. Fortunately, you can avoid this scenario by working with Spectrum Audio Visual on regular audio visual maintenance. Denver, CO businesses and entrepreneurs should take advantage of the services we provide. Breathe easier and prep for your next speech free of anxiety and focus your energy on focusing your sales pitch to profits. There’s too much riding on your presentation to sweat the small stuff. Let us take care of it.

Audio Visual Maintenance Services in Denver, CO

Keep Everything Running Smooth With AV Maintenance

Audiovisual equipment is finicky and breaks easily. Regardless of whether you’re using older or brand-new equipment, there are more moving parts than you might think in the equipment. Maintaining the video and audio components, as well as the projectors and screens, requires attention to detail and the expertise years of experience brings. However, it is critical. So, Spectrum Audio Visual provides vital audio visual maintenance services in Denver. Our AV technicians specialize in making sure all of those moving parts are functioning correctly. Our AV consultants in Denver have the expertise needed to keep things running smoothly, so your next presentation goes swimmingly. We know how these machines work, how to troubleshoot any problems, and how to apply corrective and preventative measures to the devices themselves. Our AV maintenance services target trouble issues like:

Dust: Dust is the enemy of your system. AV solutions are about preventing damage, and one of the first – and more critical – potential problems we investigate is dust. Dust can get trapped in a variety of audiovisual equipment. Over time, this can cause significant problems at the worst time.

Improper calibration: While you’re an expert at a great many things, our AV consultants understand audiovisual equipment. How your machine is calibrated plays an essential role in whether it’s going to work when you need it to. AV maintenance services make sure everything is operating correctly.

Color quality: Nothing is worse than an impressively-designed PowerPoint presentation only to find out that the colors don’t pop when you project it for investors or higher-ups at your company. Regular AV maintenance services ensure your PowerPoint makes a big impression.

Electrical signals: We use diagnostic equipment to make sure all electrical signals and pathways are working as they should be. These signals deliver all essential components to your screen and speakers, so they must be taken care of.

Software: When Spectrum Audio Visual performs maintenance on your system, we’ll check to make sure all drivers and software components are up-to-date. Something as simple as an overlooked software update or out-of-date driver can cause a breakdown at the worst time.

Cables and hardware: Torn and frayed cables are a recipe for disaster. Our AV maintenance services include a check of all physical components in your system. We’ll swap out any degrading or frayed cables and replace them with new ones. We’ll also check any casings to make sure they aren’t damaged. Finally, we’ll make sure all cables are wound correctly. This avoids tripping or damage.

Nail Your Next Presentation With a Perfect AV Component

Regular inspection and maintenance will save you time, money, and embarrassment. Your job, client relationships, and professional image are on the line. We want you to feel secure when you give a presentation. You should be able to rely on the equipment you use to drive home your selling points. While you bank on your personality, product line, and ability to sell them to convert sales, a polished, sleek audiovisual performance heightens your clients’ perception of you as a potential partner. It’s the extra detail that might differentiate you from your competitors.

Exceptional Audio and Visual with Spectrum Audio Visual

The maintenance of audiovisual equipment is crucial. We recommend you have your audiovisual equipment thoroughly inspected at least once a year. If you use it frequently, you should have more frequent maintenance done on your system to ensure everything is working as it should. If something needs to be replaced, a professional technician can quickly identify the part or system that needs to be changed out and get it done swiftly. Spectrum Audio Visual is ready to help you. In addition to our maintenance services, we also install and integrate audiovisual systems in offices throughout Denver, CO, and provide on-site support at trade shows. Contact Spectrum Audio Visual at 303-477-4456.

Why Choose Us?

  • Consultative Experts
  • 25,000 Sq. Ft. Warehouse
  • Equipment Sales & Rentals
  • Professional, Expert Technicians
  • $4 Million in State-of-the-Art Equipment
  • Over 25 Years of Industry-Leading Experience