Video Conferencing & Hybrid Events in Denver, CO

Video Conferencing

Here at Spectrum Audio Visual Services, we provide many options for hybrid virtual events that allows you to deliver a safe in-person event for your venue, as well as a managed broadcast to the Internet platform of your choice for offline guests.

Remote presenters will be able to communicate with other presenters and guests at the venue, while simultaneously viewing presentation content slides and videos. Features include Live Polling, Text Q&A Sessions, Breakout Sessions, Guest Registration, among other fantastic engagement choices

Hybrid Virtual Events are quickly becoming the meeting method of choice and Spectrum AV stands ready to execute your next hybrid event.

Not every event requires two-way communication. You can also deliver a message to your audience with a simple Web Presentation. Sharing slides and videos along with live audio and video of the presenter remains in effect of choice, and it’s easy to execute!

Communication is key! The necessity of social distancing makes it more important than ever to utilize safe and effective virtual communication options. Point-to-Point or Multi-Point Video Conferencing is a safe and reliable choice to communicate with your audience and colleagues.

  • Social distancing measures require new and creative solutions. In addition to your in-person audience at your venue, online programming offers a method to convey your message to participants at remote locations.
  • Reach audiences that you were unable to engage with in the past.
  • Capture important viewer registration details, such as emails, phone numbers, and company information.
  • Live Branding and Marketing Opportunities.
  • Integration of social Networking platforms to enhance your life program exposure.
  • Impress your audience with creative and compelling video content.
  • Capture accurate audience feedback via live interactive polling and questions and answer engagement options.
  • Gamer live review were statistics regarding who watched your event and for how long.
  • An embedded Web Player can be placed on your website to enable your audience to view the live program without installing any special software.

There are multiple methods and options for presenting your content and connecting with your audience.

Spectrum AV’s professional sales representative will be happy to guide you to achieve your live event goals. Spectrum Audio Visual will deliver a safe and effective in-person production and live to stream it to your remote audience.

Our team has integrated Live Web Streaming and Video-Conferencing into an assortment of programs ranging from small group meetings to broadcast level TV programming with remote presenters in locations all over the world. Live Keynote Speeches and comments from Remote Contributors, Prepackaged Video Reels, and Live Group Discussions are all essential features of live-streamed events.

Contact us to speak with a Spectrum Audio Visual Services representative for more detailed information

Why Choose Us?

  • Consultative Experts
  • 25,000 Sq. Ft. Warehouse
  • Equipment Sales & Rentals
  • Professional, Expert Technicians
  • $4 Million in State-of-the-Art Equipment
  • Over 25 Years of Industry-Leading Experience